Friday, April 9, 2010

RuneScape 2010 Easter event, factory management minigame walkthrough and slideshow

In the RuneScape 2010 Easter Event, RuneScape players need to help the Easter bunny in three ways. The factory needs preparation, then the factory must be managed, then the orders delivered. This article focuses on managing the factory. For the main walkthrough, refer to RuneScape 2010 Easter Event slideshow walkthrough. See RuneScape factory preperation slideshow for a detailed walkthrugh on fixing the factory.
Managing the factory in the 2010 Easter event is actually like a minigame. RuneScape players need to speak with the Easter bunny and an interface will come up.
Five workers are given to the RuneScape player, who can then hire more workers. Each worker hired costs the RuneScape player two resources. A worker can generate a resource, make a product, or fix machinery. A resource is spent for every five workers employed per turn; hence having nine instead of ten workers could be advantageous.
The three resources are nuts, chocolate, and fruit. Resources are used to hire workers, pay workers, and make products.
The three products each take two resources to make. Fruit cake uses one fruit and one chocolate. Tangy Egg bread uses one fruit and one nuts. Nutty eggs use one nuts and one chocolate. (Making one of each uses two of each resource.) The goal is to make seven of each resource.
There are three possible random events that are displayed at the end of a turn. An accident can cost three resources. Three extra resources can also be found. Or a machine can break, requiring fixing. To fix a machine, either put a worker on it or fix it manually. Fixing a machine manually requires exiting the interface, repeating that machine’s preparation phase fixing, then talking to the Easter bunny and opting to resume managing.
Although RuneScape players have unlimited turns, RuneScape players seeking to finish with the lowest score need to finish in 15 turns for a score bonus as well as an enhancement to the reward. The game can be restarted from the beginning if it has gone sour.
When the machine is complete, talk to the Easter bunny to complete the delivery phase and receive the reward. See 2010 easter event delivery slideshow walkthrough.

RuneScape Factory Management slideshow

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