Wednesday, March 31, 2010

RuneScape Category Guidelines

General RuneScape Category Rules
Do not post anything that can lead to fights between free to play vs. members. Members pay for the game and will always have more benefits.
Do not post about famous players, unless a major event happens relating to them.
Do not make new topics about autoers, we have an official topic for it. We all know that they are against Jagex rules, and we all know there are a lot of them in game.RuneScape Suggestions Forum
Make sure your suggestion is not in the Forbidden Suggestions topic.
Do not make petition lists. The point in the forum is to tell what you would like to be added to the game, not create a list of people who support it.
Do not ask for an update to be removed from the game. Jagex spent their time working on an update, they are not going to remove it at player request.RuneScape Videos
All downloadable videos must be 20MB or less. All streaming (non-downloadable) videos must be 15 minutes or less.RuneScape Help Boards
Bank and stat rating topics are not allowed. They often lead to flaming and can possibly lead to less honest members trying to hack your account.RuneScape Announcements
Keep all announcements RuneScape related. If your announcement is not RuneScape related, post in the correct General Category board.
Do not make topics about almost reaching goals. The exception to this rule is by posting in the General Logs forum.
Do not make arrogant posts when you reach a goal. This includes typing in huge letters, or calling yourself a noob even though you just achieved something.
When you post an achievement, try to add a picture. It makes the topic look better and gives proof of the achievement. Remember: no pic, no proof!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Egg-streme Management

In this year’s Easter holiday event, you’ll once again visit Easter Bunny Jr’s (EBJ) Egg Plant factory, fix his broken machines, de-funk the Easter Bird and retrain a jobsworth squirrel workforce, but all that’s just the start of it! EBJ has discovered the joys of having ‘face time’ with his customers and, so embroiled in customer satisfaction red tape as he is, requires a middle manager to run the entire work-floor production line.

Once the factory floor is up and running, it’s up to you to delegate ‘production resource’ and get everyone ‘moving forward’ with the task of fulfilling this year’s chocolate egg quota. From the look of EBJ’s clients, the word ‘deadline’ couldn’t be more appropriate, so hurry up and deliver the goods before the bunny gets eaten, set upon by goblins, loses his ‘ealth or worse.

Prove your blue collar credentials and you’ll win over some new squirrel-friend workmates, avoiding a ‘Miscellanian Kiss’ from one particular blue-faced rodent in the process. At this rate, you’ll be the one wearing the big bunny suit next Easter.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Runescape Halloween Masks

These Runescape Halloween masks were the second wearable holiday item that was dropped in Runescape. This time the masks were just dropped rather than being contained in another item unlike the party hats were, but like the party hats there were wearable.

This time the Runescape market was more aware at just how valuable these halloween masks were going to be in the future and Runescape rare items began collecting them from the outset and many players collected all three Runescape halloween masks, red, blue and green to combine them into Runescape mask sets. These items like the Runescape party hats are exceedingly valuable, though not quite as valuable due to the fact that there were many more Runescape masks dropped and collected than party hats.

Runescape Rare Items Future

All of theses Runescape rare items are exceedingly valuable and their value is fairly likely to grow considerable higher in the coming months and years. The rates at which the market price for these rare items grows is amazing with most of these items more than tripling in value each year.

It has already been mentioned that already a Runescape party hat set is worth well over a billion Runescape gold pieces and I’d imagine that it won’t be long until a single Runescape party hat will be worth over a billion Runescape gold pieces by itself.

Runescape Rare Holiday Items – Party Hats, Santa Hats and Halloween Masks

Runescape rate items or discontinued item are Runescape items that were introduced into the Runescape marketplace for a single day to celebrate a holiday, this is why some have chosen to give them the name of holiday drops. So on what holidays were these rare items dropped?

They were dropped all over Runescape on Christmas, Easters, and Halloween in 2001 and 2002, but unfortunately were not dropped in 2003 when Jagex decided that the introduction of these rare items was detrimental to the Runescape economy in light of the fact that people were hording these holiday drops and they were becoming quite expensive items because they were rare.

They have now become the most expensive items in Runescape by a long way with prices for these rare items now reaching millions of Runescape gold and no doubt some of the rarer party hats will soon be worth over a billion Runescape gold pieces.

Runescape Party Hats or Phats

Runescape party hats, often referred to as Runescape phats, were introduced into the game in Christmas of 2001. These Runescape party hats were not actually dropped in Runescape themselves rather they were introduced through the form of Runescape party crackers. These party crackers were dropped in Runescape for free and players were able to pick them up and then use them on other players. Then just like with normal party crackers inside there was an item accompanied by a party hat.

One player would get the item, which was random, while the other player would get the party hat. Now at the time obtaining the item that the party cracker contained was normally far more valuable but within a matter of weeks these Runescape party hats became exceedingly valuable as people realized that there was obviously a limited number of them available.

So with the dropping of these party crackers and party hats a new market was created, the Runescape rare items market. People began collecting these party hats attempting to collect Runescape party hat sets which are basically where a player had all the different colors of party hats, which includes, blue, white, green, yellow, red and pink (purple). These Runescape party hat sets are now worth well over a billion Runescape gold which and there is a very vibrant market for these items.

What Are Aggressive Runescape Monsters?

An Aggressive Runescape Monster is a Runescape Monster which is Aggressive to anyone near to them. This is totally dependant upon yours and its combat level. It is said that an Aggressive Runescape Monster will not continue to be aggressive towards you when you have a combat level more than twice of its.

They will also stop being aggressive towards you if you have been in an area with them for a period of time.

Runescape Monsters

Raargh! Sorry, just having a short moment to myself after fighting so many Runescape Monsters. What is a Runescape Monster?

You may be able to hazard a guess that metal dragons and the KBD are Runescape Monsters. Well, your correct, but even a level 2 Man is classed as a Runescape Monster. Anything that you can attack in Runescape is classed as a Runescape Monster.

Free Runescape Items Beggars

If there is one thing you should expect once you do start to wear some of the more expensive Runescape items it is that you should prepare for the onslaught of free Runescape item beggars that will begin to approach you asking for free Runescape items.

It seems that because Runescape in itself is a free game that it draws somewhat of the cheapskate sort of attitude out of many people to the point where they are constantly harassing those that have spent many hours working hard to get their Runescape items for them to give them free Runescape items just because they believe they can afford it. Of course I’m not suggesting that just because there are people that will beg for free Runescape items that it is not worth your time to try and get such wearable rare items, more just suggesting that you should be aware of the fact that when wearing certain items it can draw undue attention.

Well best of luck on your road to collecting your Runescape items. Make sure you also have fun along the way.

Runescape Rare Items for Sale

A lot like Runescape gold there are many Runescape rare item sellers that will actually sell rare Runescape items for money as well as have other runescape items for sale. Of course this is against Jagex’s rules this doesn’t stop the trading from taking place.

Now whilst some people opt to buy there Runescape rare items from such gold selling stores many players spend countless hours saving their Runescape gold up to be able to afford such items. Players literally spend months saving for these particular Runescape items and with the rate at which prices inflate for these items it is near impossible to be able to earn the money without the price having doubled by the time they have saved enough gold for their prized rare item.

Runescape Item Duplicator

The only time that the prices of these particular Runescape rare items have ever really crashed was when someone managed to create a Runescape item duplicator. Of course they used this item duplicator to start duplicating Runescape items, and not just any Runescape items, the Runescape rare items, mainly pink party hats which were at the time worth many, many millions of Runescape gold.

Obviously Jagex and the Runescape market realized that there was a sudden influx of party hats for sale on the market and as such they found out how players were duplicating Runescape items and removed the glitch from the game. The damage however was already done, the Runescape rare item market had already crashed and with knowledge that it was possible to create a Runescape item duplicator to exploit runscape glitches put added uncertainty in the rare item market and prices stayed low for quite awhile.

Runescape Rare Items – Holiday Drops

These Runescape rare items, often referred to as holiday drops, were a feature of Runescape back when the game was in its first couple of years.

Essentially Jagex had items spawn in different locations all around Runescape on certain holidays, namely Christmas, Easter and Halloween and these free holiday item drops were meant to be a celebration of the event, and well these yearly events only happened once a year so these particular Runescape items were only able to be collected on one specific day of the year and it didn’t take long before people realized that while demand for these items was increasing but the supply was always decreasing as less and less of these items could be found on the market.

This of course forced the prices up to the point where they are now, at millions of Runescape gold to buy just one of these items, and with every passing month the price of such Runescape items just continues to climb.

Runescape Items – Rares, Duplicators & Free Runescape Items

Runescape is a simple and free game played by millions of people and one of the most enjoyable parts of it is collecting all the Runescape items that are available. There are literally thousands upon thousands of items to collect in Runescape. Some are obviously more valuable, rare and prized than others.

There are even items that no longer are able to be created which has created a whole industry of specific Runescape item trading in itself. This is the Runescape rare item market consisting of things like party hats, santa hats, holloween masks plus a few other items that are so sort after that it costs millions of Runescape gold to just buy one of these items.

Runescape Items – Rares, Duplicators & Free Runescape Items

Runescape is a simple and free game played by millions of people and one of the most enjoyable parts of it is collecting all the Runescape items that are available. There are literally thousands upon thousands of items to collect in Runescape. Some are obviously more valuable, rare and prized than others.

There are even items that no longer are able to be created which has created a whole industry of specific Runescape item trading in itself. This is the Runescape rare item market consisting of things like party hats, santa hats, holloween masks plus a few other items that are so sort after that it costs millions of Runescape gold to just buy one of these items.

Can You Make Runescape Gold by Buying Runescape Gold?

Now again whilst buying Runescape Gold is against Jagex’s terms of service, the are a number of individuals that I know of personally that have benefited greatly from investments in purchasing Runescape Gold for real world money. How? Well not so long ago they purchased a few million Runescape gold from a gold seller and purchased all the rares that they could afford then sat on their rares for a few months and sold them 9 months later for a HUGE real world money profit.

There are little industries anywhere in the world that you can almost be certain of 300 – 400% return on your investment every passing year, but Runescape rare items are such an industry, without fail every year Runescape rare items have increased in value and with that increase so has there real world value, and with each Runescape million gold pieces being worth $5 - $10 in the real world market there have been people that I have literally made $1000’s from selling their Runescape items when they quit the game. You can’t get those sorts of returns on the stock market. So as some have already proved spending a little money in an investment is a great way to make a little money.

Please note that we don’t recommend doing this and there are some inherent uncertainties involved not to mention is against Runescape’s rules but that hasn’t stopped other from trying and actually making large amounts of Runescape Gold and real world dollars doing it.

Buying Cheap Runescape Gold

The increasing alternative that many Runescape players appear to be opting for is buying cheap Runescape gold from online gold selling stores. These Runescape gold sellers sell millions of Runescape gold for real world money. Whilst this is in breach of Jagex’s terms of use it hasn’t stopped the sale of Runescape gold from such stores continuing. According to many this industry of MMO gold selling, including games like Runescape, is now a multi-million dollar industry with an estimated half a billion dollars worth of sales for the 2005/2006 financial year.

Whilst I don’t support players buying Runescape gold, it is obviously a growing option but the big question of whether it is worth it is dependant on your position within life and in Runescape. I mean if you have a full or part time job and are looking to really start enjoying Runescape without spending the first few weeks of your Runescape career scrapping together a few thousand Runescape gold pieces to buy yourself iron amour; then for as little as $10 you could get yourself a million Runescape gold pieces and be well onto your way to really leveling some of those skills and building your own ability to earn Runescape gold via playing the game.

Alternatively if you are already a fairly experience player with a 100k in your bank, you might be well advise to look into some of the free Runescape gold making guides available to turn that 100k into a few million. Either way I’d probably properly research the ways of making Runescape gold from free fan sites and guide sites before I headed off to buy a Runescape millions guide or one like it.

Runescape Gold – To Buy Cheap Runescape Gold or Use Free Runescape Gold Guides?

Well for many players of Runescape there are two main desires; one is to be very skilled; two is to be very rich. Now developing skills takes time but becoming wealthy in the game of Runescape doesn’t necessarily require you to be a high level. So how do the majority of players go about gaining Runescape Gold?

Well for most it is a method of playing the game and working out how to make money by developing skills that can earn good amounts of Runescape money in comparison to the time invested. For others they have developed a keen sense of the Runescape markets and managed to provide a service of buying and selling major raw and processed materials that are in high demand and supply. This means of making Runescape gold is referred to as merchanting and loads of information about how to go about earning gold in this way can be found in free Runescape gold guides that are on many Runescape fan sites and forums.

Even with the availability of free Runescape gold guides there are also many Runescape gold guides for sale on the internet, though from my experience none are really worth the money if you have been playing for a couple of months and have reviewed a few of the free guides to making Runescape gold on Runescape fan sites and forums.

The Personal Item Duplicator Scam

This Runescape scam is a little cruder and essentially involves someone convincing you that they have found out a way to duplicate Runescape items, and that you can do it as well. Then they will something to the effect of, “all you have to do is place the Runescape item on the floor and then wait 5 seconds and then stand on the item and then simultaneously press ALT + F4, at which point your internet window will close and you will be logged out of Runescape and considering it will take you quite awhile to load a new window and load Runescape again by which time the items you dropped will have spawned so that everyone can see them and which point the person who convinced you that you could duplicate your Runescape items has picked the items your left on ground up and run away.

These are a few of the more popular Runescape Scams out there and as I mentioned earlier in this articles more and more people are searching to find out how to scam people on Runescape and the old saying that there is a sucker born every minute is relevant in Runescape as it is in real life.

So be aware of things that are too good to be true and remember that there are no such things are Runescape item duplicators so don’t fall for the Runescape scams that involved people claiming that they can duplicate your Runescape items.

Item Duplicator Runescape Scam

This scam involves someone offering to duplicate your Runescape items for you, all you have to do is give them your Runescape items and then they will do their “magic” to them. The reality is that they will take your items and never return.

Of course this scams sounds so simple it is hard to believe that anyone would fall for it, well often what many of these scammers will do is suggest to you that you give them a cheaper item, like adamite or mithril armor or weapons and then they will proceed to give you back two of the items you just gave them, and then they may even suggest you give them another cheap item which they will again give back two of, and now having built a little trust up you may give them a couple of items that are little more expensive like some rune armor which they will then keep. So whilst they have given you some adamite and mithril items you have lost out overall because they stole your rune items which were far more gold.

Avoid Runescape Scams and get to Keep Your Runescape Items

One of the most common Runescape scams is the old trading scam where the scammer will start out by offering an item or amount of cash and then quickly change the items they are offering to something very similar in description or image to what you believe that you were to be receiving from the trade, but when in actual fact the value of the Runescape item or amount of Runescape gold you will be receiving will be vastly short of what you originally thought you were receiving. So how can your avoid these sorts of Runescape scams, well it’s pretty simple really – don’t rush your Runescape trades.

Take your time, review each screen before accepting the trade, make sure you are actually getting the Runescape items you original agreed to. In addition to checking Runescape trade screens, to some degree, you shouldn’t trust players you don’t know, regardless of their level. There are a lot more Runescape scams other than this trade screen scams, here are a couple of the more common Runescape scams you will hear whilst you play Runescape.

Runescape Scams

If you have been playing Runescape for any significant amount of time you will have no doubt pick up that there is a significant amount of players that are willing to do almost anything to cut corners in the game, whether that be beg other players for hours for Runescape items, use cheats specifically designed for Runescape, or what I will be discussing in this articles – Runescape scams.

There is an ever increasing number of Runescape players searching for how to scam people on Runescape with Runescape scams, and with Runescape’s ever growing popularity there are unfortunately new, fresh and oblivious victims joining the game everyday so there is no shortage of new players to scam. So what can you do to make sure that you aren’t the next victim of one these Runescape scams.

How to not have your Runescape account hacked

Basically there are some very simple rules you can apply to avoid having your Runescape account hacked. Firstly and foremost don’t give your Runescape password out to anyone, ever! It’s quite a simple rule yet it is amazing just how many times people give out the Runescape password and a couple of days later are complaining they got their Runescape account hacked. Next step is don’t download Runescape hacks. Why? Because so often these Runescape hacks are just Trojans and key loggers that are not designed to hack anyone else accounts other than your own. The same goes for thinking like Runescape auto miners and auto fighters; they so often just key loggers.

Next step is not to use your Runescape password anywhere other than on the official Runescape site, whilst many other sites will encrypt your password on the rare occasion there has been cases where people have collected user’s passwords via sites like forums and clans etc. Next step after keeping your Runescape password private is to make it reasonable in length, at least 8 characters comprised of both numbers and letters to make it as difficult as possible for those that do try and decrypt your password. Short passwords that are encrypted and are not made up of at least 8 characters tend to be quite easy to break with time. So the longer your Runescape password is, and other passwords for that matter, the harder it is for hackers to hack your accounts.

Well I hope you found this little guide about Runescape hacks useless and you will be able to some of the information on board to secure your Runescape password and make it as difficult as possible for people to hack your Runescape account.

Runescape Password Hacks / Tricks

One of the most common scams you will see on websites, forums and even in Runescape itself is the oldest scam in the book – the Runescape password hack. Basically the password hacker will say something like “if you give me your Runescape password I’ll deposit millions of gold and a couple of party hats into your account”.

Of course all that will happen is you will give that hacker your username and password and they will take all your items out of your bank and deposit them into their own. If you are lucky you will get your account back – but that will be if your lucky. So don’t fall for the Runescape password hack / trick and just remember that you should never give out your Runescape password that is just asking for someone to hack your Runescape account.

Free Runescape Hacks Downloads – Beware of Password Hackers

So many Runescape players fall victim to downloading Runescape hacks that end up hacking their own Runescape accounts. There are no hacks for Runescape that allow you to change your characters stats or duplicate rare items, and if there are sites or hackers out there claiming that they can they are just trying to make you their next victim by getting you to download the “Runescape hack” which will then install a trojan on your computer and then allow them to hack your Runescape account with their key logger.

The reality is that there are no free Runescape hacks or paid ones for that matter, but if there were Runescape hacks out there I can assure you they would not be freely available.

The amount of money that could be made from hacking Runescape is truly astronomical and I highly doubt that anyone with the expertise to hack runescape would be quick to let such knowledge get out to the general public to the point where they couldn’t exploit such knowledge

Runescape Hacks

Runescape hacks are one of the most searched for Runescape related topics. It seems that so many Runescape players are looking for the short cut to Runescape money and feel that getting their hands on some Runescape hacks is the best way to go about making their millions. So why is this the case?

I can’t help but feel that with a game like Runescape where essentially those who can invest the most time excel makes it difficult for those that do not have the time to invest into the game yet want to still enjoy the game as a high level and wealthy player. This of course would lead many to start looking for shortcuts like Runescape hacks. Unfortunately more often thank not many of these players in search of Runescape hack downloads end up being hacked themselves.

Runescape Autominers for Runescape 2

Well with the coming of Runescape 2 came a lot of new initiatives from Jagex to prevent the uses of macros such as Runescape autominers. They introduced random events that required players to actively be playing otherwise they risked dying and losing their items.

This reduced the effectiveness of using macro programs that did your clicking for you. In addition to this it appears that with the coming of Runescape 2, Jagex has become much more receptive to the use of programs in conjunction with the game and as such thousands upon thousands of players are banned quite often for the use of such runescape autominers. So do be wary of the risks of downloading and using runescape autominers.

Where to Download a Free Runescape Autominer for Runescape Classic

Well essentially a runescape autominer is just a macro program which isn’t anything special and can be downloaded for free from many places, including I suggest looking into free macro programs on Google and seeing what is out there and if any are available for download.

Though when it comes to downloading a runescape autominer you should be wary of the source from which you are downloading the program because there are many sites out there that are setup to trick people into believing that what they are downloading is a free runescape autominer download when in actual fact it is a malicious program that may be used to hack runescape accounts.

Runescape Autominer Download

So what is a Runescape Autominer? Well firstly and foremost I should just warn that runescape autominers are illegal to use in conjunction with Runescape and that this guide is more about explaining what they are than recommending you use them, because they will get you banned. Well Runescape Autominers have came about many years ago when Runescape was in its infancy and when the Runescape skills were much more monotonous and a lot more clicking was required to obtain ores from rocks. The autominer was also applicable to other Runescape skills that required many clicks to obtain raw materials, like fishing and wood cutting. Prior to Runescape 2 players were required to click their inventory bag then select their mining pickaxe then select the rock on which they wished to mine. This was considerably monotonous as it required a lot of mouse movements and clicks which lead to players using the Runescape Autominer.

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In the beginning the Runescape autominer essentially was a macro that allowed you to select places you want the mouse to click on the screen and a sequence of clicks and time delays and intervals. So with this autominer players were able to essentially set up the macro program so that it ran without requiring the player to makes the clicks. However you couldn’t just leave the autominer running by itself because in the Runescape classic version you are automatically logged out of the game if you haven’t moved after 5 minutes. So whilst the runescape autominer would do the clicking for you, you still needed to passively watch over it to make sure that it was still functioning.

Runescape Password Finder, Cracker, List and Hacks

As I mentioned above hundreds of people everyday are searching for a Runescape password finder, or runescape password cracker or hack, but the reality is there just aren’t any. I mean I don’t think that people are going to post free Runescape password lists on the internet that are of any use. I mean surely if a Runescape hacker had players' Runescape passwords they would use them for themselves, remove the valuable contents of the account then be done with the account.

I mean what benefit is there for them by offering other Runescape players access to the account. As for Runescape password finders well I can’t really comment that much on them, to my knowledge they don’t exist and I have been playing Runescape since 2001, and how exactly would a password finder work?

Unless the Runescape was obvious stored somewhere there is essentially nothing to be found, so unfortunately for many "want to be" Runescape password hackers they will go ahead and download programs claiming to be Runescape password finders or hacks but they are actually only downloading trojans or key loggers onto their own computers allowing others to hack their accounts. So if you are looking to hack Runescape accounts, save yourself the grief of having your own Runescape account hacked by playing Runescape the way it was meant to be played and stop looking for shortcuts.

Runescape Password Security

OK so what can you do to protect you Runescape password? It is going to sound simple and if you have heard it once you would have heard it a thousand times, don’t use the same password for Runescape as you do other places. It’s a simple step and whilst 99% of other Runescape related sites you sign up at using some sort of password will be secure and have no intention of abusing the information they have on you that doesn’t mean you should trust them (even if you know the data collected like your password is automatically encrypted).

Another simple step you can take to ensure you are never hacked is even easier than the first. It is never tell anyone your Runescape password or your password recovery questions. You’d think this would go without saying but if I had to bet, I’d bet that over 50% of all Runescape accounts that are hacked would be a result of person obtaining someone’s password by them telling them either directly or by them telling someone else who passes the information onto a third party. So a simple rule that will save you a lot of grief is just to never, under any circumstance, tell someone your Runescape password.

Now I mentioned earlier that lots of sites atomically encrypt data to prevent site admins or owners from using that information against users, this usually includes passwords. However encryptions like most things can be broken, so you want to make sure you make your password as secure as possible. So you password should consist of at least 8 character and include both letters and numbers. This should ensure that your password is as difficult to break as it can be.
It seems to be of growing popularity that Runescape players that are sick of earning gold the regular way are looking for quick ways to hack people’s accounts and one of the most popular ways is having files installed on other Runescape player’s computers to collect the user’s Runescape password. How do you avoid having you account hacked this way – simple – don’t download mysterious files form untrustworthy resources. Just because it is on the internet and says it isn’t a malicious file doesn’t mean it is safe, and if you haven’t already installed spyware and virus protection I highly recommend you get on top of that, because the internet is full of nasty files and you need a means of protecting both your computer and precious details from such things.

Another seemingly simple plan is also to make sure that you periodically change your runescape passwords. Whilst this technique is more often used to prevent your accounts being hacked on sites that have cookies enabled - which isn't the case for Runescape. Nonetheless, periodically changing you runescape password and your other account passwords if a good habit to get into.

Runescape Passwords - About Free Runescape Password Finder & Hacks

Hundreds of people a week find that somehow their Runescape password has managed to fall into the hands of someone who ends up hacking their Runescape account. More often than not these password hackers are friends of these people and have only managed to gain their Runescape password due to the fault of the Runescape account owner that was hacked, yet they still wonder how they hacked their runescape account.

There are hordes of ways that people attempt to obtain people’s Runescape passwords whether it be via guessing their security questions and changing their runescape passwords or whether it be attempting to embed a trojan on an individual's computer.

The number of people of playing Runescape is increasing everyday and unfortunately it would appear that the number of people trying to find out how to hack Runescape accounts is also on the rise, despite Jagex’s best effort to eliminate such behaviour. Everyday hundreds of people search for Runescape password finders and runescape password lists so you too need to be ever aware of protecting your Runescape password and your account full of your precious Runescape items.

Still Want Free Runescape Hacking Programs

If your still persistent then you may be interested in looking around the internet for different free Runescape hacking programs. A few websites that claim to provide free Runescape hacking programs are listed below:


Bare in mind that the sites may claim to provide free Runescape hacking programs might just slip a virus in and your computer will be infected if you run the program without scanning it for viruses beforehand.

How Do Hackers Hack Runescape Items

Don’t be fooled by supposed hackers who do this, I’m just showing you this because it shows how supposed Runescape hackers fake how it is done…and it’s a laugh for anyone who realises it’s not a way to hack Runescape items. There are websites on the internet that claim to provide hacks for Runescape items. They may ask you to send them an email following a similar guideline to one shown below:

Subject: rspasswordrecovery (it must be exactly as typed) (copy and paste) Message:#=No.:4658932//$%Code&" Your Username"%*==$& } (press enter) #serident6254$$Code%" Desired Item"*$$1==$& } Press enter) ExHack..:0547$$Code*&%$$#imput*%"Your Runescape Password"*32&&*$==02$& }
google_protectAndRun("ads_core.google_render_ad", google_handleError, google_render_ad);
Anyone who doesn’t realise that it asks for your username and password and fills this in will most probably lose their account.

Am I Actually Going To Be Able To Hack Runescape Items?

Nope, this is highly unlikely and no one other than a member of Jagex’s staff can hack Runescape items and change pretty much whatever they want.

I doubt that you will ever be able to hack Runescape items because Jagex require you to download no files to play Runescape, giving you nothing to throw some codes at.

Hacking Runescape Items

Can I really Hack Runescape Items? If there was a way, everyone would be rich and I’m sorry to say that I do not believe there to be a way to Hack Runescape Items, unless you are playing on a private server of course, but that’s another matter.

Don’t let the lights dim for you there though; there could well be a Hack for Runescape Items on the internet just seconds away from download.

Free Runescape Money Making Guides and Tips

So whilst there may be no free Runescape money cheats or easy and reliable ways of making Runescape money outside of Runescape itself, there certainly are a lot of ways you can make good Runescape money without resorting to Runescape cheats and hacks. It’s called playing the game and playing it well. Unfortuantely like in life there is no such things as easy Runescape money.

Again like life you have to either work hard or work smart for it, but in all honesty there are loads of great quality websites out there with Runescape money making tips and 'how to' guides that will have you on your way to making well over 100-200k an hour with a bit of persistence. So what are you going to have to pay for all this great information; nothing; it’s absolutely free and won’t cost you a cent and you don’t need to download some malicious program to make the money. So the moral of the story, find good information resources like Runescape Boards and don’t look for the supposed quick and easy Runescape money cheat or hack, because there is no such thing as easy runescape money or runescape money hacks.

Runescape Cheats & Hacks for Runescape 2

Another big thing is people installing macros or auto that they use to do various tasks on Runescape that earns them money. It’s cheating but not really a runescape cheat that hacks the game, rather just plays it for you.

Now it may have been true back in the Runescape Classic days that getting away with cheating, when it came to Runescape macros and autos, was reasonably possible, but with the coming of what is called Runescape 2 these means of cheats have quickly become obsolete with Jagex introducing many means of detection of the use of such programs in conjunction with Runescape 2.

Free Runescape Money Cheats, Exploits and Hacks

Now there is always lots of talk about their being exploits in Runescape that people can use to hack into Runescape to make adjustments, and in the past yes there have been minor ones, but these Runescape exploits are extremely temporary and definitely not permanent features of Runescape with the Jagex staff constantly patching such glitches.

Not to mention such hacking attempts have never been as exploitable to the point that people were able to change the amount of money they had or give themselves unlimited amounts of money, rather were more along the lines of being able to duplicate expensive items that they could then sell, like party hats.

Now if you’d like to take advantage of the exploits in Runescape the reality is unless you’re the person to actually find the exploit yourself chances are you have missed the boat because as Jagex gets wind of them they are already fixing them, and if anyone on a website or forum is explaining to you that they know a free Runescape money hack and all they need you to do is email them your account name and password, rest assured they are just a runescape hacker trying to make you their next sucker with the old “I know a free Runescape money hack that can give you unlimited money” routine.

Runescape Money Cheats - Easy & Free Runescape Money Hacks for Runescape 2

So what’s this article all about, well the title sort of covers it; it’s the truth about free and easy Runescape money hacks for Runescape 2. It never ceases to amaze me what lengths players are willing to go to get free, easy Runescape money, aside of course from playing the game. Every day hundreds of people search for free Runescape money cheats which give them access to unlimited or infinite amounts of Runescape money.

The sad reality is no Runescape money cheat out there that will change the amount of money you have in your Runescape account or give you access to unlimited free Runescape money. The only way to make Runescape money is by playing the game.

What’s even worse is those that are searching for a Runescape money cheat or hacks for Runescape are often only directed to malicious sites owned by Runescape hackers whose sole objective is to exploit your desire to gain easy Runescape money and turn it against you by installing malicious spyware on your computer to hack your Runescape account and take what little money you have.

Being Banned from Runescape for Downloading Runescape Autos

In the past thousands of Runescape players have found themselves banned for using illegal Runescape macros and auto bots like those mentioned above, SCAR and ARYAN - On 19 January 2006, over 15000 Runescape accounts were banned for cheating and thinking they could get away with it. In the message posted onto the front page of the official Runescape website, Jagex again reminded players of their systems that they could easily detect cheating and that if you cheat it was just a matter of time before you were banned.

Jagex has always taken a firm stance on not allowing people to cheat and their reasoning as much as anything is that software like Runescape auto bots are mostly from untrusted sources that often contain key loggers, trojans and viruses which can cause harm to your computer. A lot of Runescape players have had their accounts stolen because they installed trojans and viruses disguised as free Runescape auto bots on their computers and that is something that cannot be said often enough, with so many players still falling for the same old tricks by Runescape scammers.

Playing Runescape using auto bots will get your access to the official Runescape servers removed and your account banned by Jagex, but if you are still adamant on trying out free Runescape auto bots then best of luck to you – you will need it.

Negatives of Free Runescape Macros and Auto Bot Downloads

If you weren’t already aware Runescape auto bots are illegal and are against the Runescape Rules of Conduct in Rule 7 - Using Third Party Software, to gain unfair advantages against other players.

Despite this many players who use free Runescape auto bots will argue that the benefits are greater because they are free to do other things like going out with friends, but at what cost? There is very little support from creators if you encounter problems with the auto bots you download since privacy is preferred over being sued by Jagex.

It's also very easy to get caught by other members of Runescape who work hard for their Runescape items without help from programs, not to mention that Jagex has a special programs designed for the catching of players using auto bots, which would mean losing any hard work you put in personally. Plus at the end of the day isn’t the game designed to be enjoyed – and what is enjoyable about achieving nothing.

Macroing with Runescape Auto Bots

Runescape auto bots also come with many different scripts which can do all sorts of tasks like completing quests and are obviously more efficient than a person considering they don't get distracted from their set tasks. These free Runescape auto bots can do all the work like clicking on trees while woodcutting and mining your ores for you while you sleep, eat or watch TV.

Some of the better known free Runescape auto bots are ARYAN and SCAR. They are both macros that let you auto in Runescape. Many users have suggested that SCAR is the better program, as long as you know a little bit about the programming language needed to create scripts for SCAR. Many actually claim that there is very little chance of you getting detected for using a Runescape auto bot, though that theory seems to have disproved a number of times in Runescape’s history.

Basic scripts for tasks are easily found on the web or Runescape cheating websites, but a lot of these custom make scripts don’t come with inbuilt anti randoms and auto talker, these features you normally need to pay a fee for. If you are going to get involved with Runescape bots I recommend that you be prepare to deal with the bigger risk of having Trojans and viruses embedded on your computer.

Free Runescape Bots, Autos, Macros & Auto Bots

Almost every player during their Runescape career would have at one point probably searched for free runescape auto bots or some variation of the term like runescape bots or runescape autos in curiosity.

Runescape auto bots or Runescape macros, as they are also called are arguably the most sensitive topic for most Runescape players. Newer players to the game might wonder what these Runescape bots mentioned by more experienced players are. Well, they are programs created by experienced coders which are designed to play a Runescape account for in place of a physical person. So basically a Runescape player would run their Runescape auto program and just leave their computer switched on.

Who Uses a Runescape Private Server like Moparscape?

Runescape private servers like moparscape are also a haven for all those players that for one reason or another are unable to access the official Runescape servers or have had their Runescape accounts, rightly or wrongly, banned by Jagex. So these Runescape private servers do tend draw a specific sort of player, ie those that enjoy breaking the rules, not to mention that the servers themselves are a illegal as they breach Runescape’s copyright of their intellectual property.

Often many of these Runescape private servers are actually shut down by Jagex and their legal team, but that often doesn’t stop others from setting new ones up under different names and aliases. For better or worse it would definitely appear that at this stage Runescape private servers are here to stay.

To get more information about these Runescape private servers and where you can play or download them head to one of the assortment of Runescape cheats sites out there like sythe, fagex, or eliteneo to get more information, or just head to Google to search for where you can download moparscape or download runescape private server. That should bring up some results of the more popular private servers.

Runescape Private Servers

For many years Runescape has been running the sole servers run and maintained by Jagex. However in recent times, much like in many other MMORPGs, Runescape private servers have begun to spring up and become relatively popular amongst many Runescape users, like moparscape servers.

These Runescape private servers often come with a lot more flexibility in the game that allow the players to set their own levels and obtain items that are virtually impossible to obtain in the official Runescape servers. They also allow players to play as members without having to pay the monthly subscription required to play the full version.

How to Avoid Having Your Runescape Account Hacked

It is pretty simple really. Never under any circumstance give your Runescape password to anyone, no matter what they promise. If you give your Runescape password out you are asking to have your items and account stolen. Next don’t download any supposed Runescape hacks, more often than not they are just Trojans and key loggers that are used to hack your Runescape account.

The only way to get ahead in Runescape is to spend time playing and developing your skills and character, there are no shortcuts so if you are looking for information on how to hack Runescape accounts you really need to think is the time invested in looking for Runescape hacks that don’t exist worth the time that could be spent on improving your character.

I think you will find that your time will be much better spent just having fun playing rather than attempting to get your character back off some hacker that hacked your account in your attempt to find a shortcut to unlimited Runescape gold.

How Hackers Attempt to Hack Runescape Accounts

By far the most common way hackers, and I use this term loosely because they are not really hacking Runescape accounts at all, but they basically either make a website or create a forum post where they post something up along the lines of, just send me your Runescape password and username and I will hack Runescape and give all the items you want.

Of course this is a complete load of rubbish and is just a way for them to hack your Runescape account once they have your Runescape password.

How to Hack Runescape & Runescape Accounts

There are so many people these days looking to find out how to hack Runescape and more commonly how to hack Runescape accounts and Runescape passwords. I personally think this growing trend of people hacking Runescape is result of players trying to find shortcuts to becoming rich due to the fact that Runescape is a game that more than anything else requires time to excel at as there is little skill involved with Runescape other than maybe pking. So as such people are looking to find out how to hack Runescape.

Unfortunately there is no way for people to be able to hack into Runescape unless they are able to find a Runescape glitch which is highly improbably unless they are actively looking for one, and considering there are millions of people playing the game the chances that you will be that one in a million to stumble upon a glitch in Runescape is slim to none. So what to people do instead of trying to hack Runescape? They spend their time focusing on how to hack Runescape accounts.

Runescape Password Security

OK so what can you do to protect you Runescape password? It is going to sound simple and if you have heard it once you would have heard it a thousand times, don’t use the same password for Runescape as you do other places. It’s a simple step and whilst 99% of other Runescape related sites you sign up at using some sort of password will be secure and have no intention of abusing the information they have on you that doesn’t mean you should trust them (even if you know the data collected like your password is automatically encrypted).

Another simple step you can take to ensure you are never hacked is even easier than the first. It is never tell anyone your Runescape password or your password recovery questions. You’d think this would go without saying but if I had to bet, I’d bet that over 50% of all Runescape accounts that are hacked would be a result of person obtaining someone’s password by them telling them either directly or by them telling someone else who passes the information onto a third party. So a simple rule that will save you a lot of grief is just to never, under any circumstance, tell someone your Runescape password.

Now I mentioned earlier that lots of sites atomically encrypt data to prevent site admins or owners from using that information against users, this usually includes passwords. However encryptions like most things can be broken, so you want to make sure you make your password as secure as possible. So you password should consist of at least 8 character and include both letters and numbers. This should ensure that your password is as difficult to break as it can be.
It seems to be of growing popularity that Runescape players that are sick of earning gold the regular way are looking for quick ways to hack people’s accounts and one of the most popular ways is having files installed on other Runescape player’s computers to collect the user’s Runescape password. How do you avoid having you account hacked this way – simple – don’t download mysterious files form untrustworthy resources. Just because it is on the internet and says it isn’t a malicious file doesn’t mean it is safe, and if you haven’t already installed spyware and virus protection I highly recommend you get on top of that, because the internet is full of nasty files and you need a means of protecting both your computer and precious details from such things.

Another seemingly simple plan is also to make sure that you periodically change your runescape passwords. Whilst this technique is more often used to prevent your accounts being hacked on sites that have cookies enabled - which isn't the case for Runescape. Nonetheless, periodically changing you runescape password and your other account passwords if a good habit to get into.

Runescape Passwords - About Free Runescape Password Finder & Hacks

Hundreds of people a week find that somehow their Runescape password has managed to fall into the hands of someone who ends up hacking their Runescape account. More often than not these password hackers are friends of these people and have only managed to gain their Runescape password due to the fault of the Runescape account owner that was hacked, yet they still wonder how they hacked their runescape account.

There are hordes of ways that people attempt to obtain people’s Runescape passwords whether it be via guessing their security questions and changing their runescape passwords or whether it be attempting to embed a trojan on an individual's computer.

The number of people of playing Runescape is increasing everyday and unfortunately it would appear that the number of people trying to find out how to hack Runescape accounts is also on the rise, despite Jagex’s best effort to eliminate such behaviour. Everyday hundreds of people search for Runescape password finders and runescape password lists so you too need to be ever aware of protecting your Runescape password and your account full of your precious Runescape items.

Runescape Password Finder, Cracker, List and Hacks

As I mentioned above hundreds of people everyday are searching for a Runescape password finder, or runescape password cracker or hack, but the reality is there just aren’t any. I mean I don’t think that people are going to post free Runescape password lists on the internet that are of any use.

I mean surely if a Runescape hacker had players' Runescape passwords they would use them for themselves, remove the valuable contents of the account then be done with the account. I mean what benefit is there for them by offering other Runescape players access to the account. As for Runescape password finders well I can’t really comment that much on them, to my knowledge they don’t exist and I have been playing Runescape since 2001, and how exactly would a password finder work?

Unless the Runescape was obvious stored somewhere there is essentially nothing to be found, so unfortunately for many "want to be" Runescape password hackers they will go ahead and download programs claiming to be Runescape password finders or hacks but they are actually only downloading trojans or key loggers onto their own computers allowing others to hack their accounts. So if you are looking to hack Runescape accounts, save yourself the grief of having your own Runescape account hacked by playing Runescape the way it was meant to be played and stop looking for shortcuts.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Improving Success when Smelting Iron (Free and Members)

Previously, when smelting iron ore, there was only a 50/50 chance that it would result in an iron bar (the rest of the time it would just be lost). Now, that success rate has changed so that, at level 15 Smithing, you will succeed 50% of the time, and from level 45 Smithing onwards, you will succeed 80% of the time (gaining an extra 1% chance of success per Smithing level earned in between).

Free players are more likely to have interest in this update, as members have access to rings of forging, a limited-use item that grants 100% success when smelting iron, but this change benefits everybody.
In this, our latest story competition, we want to hear tales of endeavour inspired by one of the two, great single-player campaigns in Armies of Gielinor: “Zamorak Returns” and “Saradomin Strikes”.

To enter the competition, choose which campaign you’d like to write about and then use your creative writing skills to come up with the best short story you can in no more than 400 words. Once you’ve written your story, send it to, with your account/display name, and either “Zamorak Returns” or “Saradomin Strikes”, in the subject box.

The deadline for sending us your entry is 23:59 on Monday 29th March. The story competition judges will then spend the week locked in a room until they’ve uncovered the most engaging and exciting stories for each campaign. Once the judges have decided on their favourite entry for each campaign, we’ll announce the winners and award the authors with lifetime membership to both RuneScape and FunOrb, plus some exclusive signed artwork based on the campaign they’ve written about. Two runners-up (one for each campaign) will receive 12-months of RuneScape and FunOrb membership.

We have a dedicated thread for the competition that has full rules, terms & conditions and an FAQ. You’ll find this thread on both the RuneScape forumshere, and on the FunOrb forums here.

We wish you the very best of luck!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Runescape engine upgrade

This week, the foreign 3D web games on the game engine Runescape several key elements, including a massive upgrade in his blog developer last week announced RuneTek 5 pictures, and game servers and upgrade RuneScript several important part of the system.
RT5 HD screenshots

The graphics engine to upgrade "standard picture (SD)" mode of improvement, such as the size of the window can be adjusted for (all), full screen (only member) mode, and some other any new features, including:
Cloud effect and the sky, remote color
Smooth effect, pavement
Robert underwater visibility

RuneTek 1 screenshots
At the same time, we also in "high picture (HD)" mode in all the world scene joined the shadow and improved the small map. You will be delighted to discover the upgrade and repairing several long-standing BUG, including:
In the server load large areas (such as "big deal"), may be caused by clicking the mouse operation; needless
Some graphics does not support the "big deal" on the progress bar.

There is little easy people ignore, we are also on the server running script system and some of the details were significantly update. If Andrew in his blog, we began earlier this year. We do is to make the game more smooth running, also can reduce the future possible BUG. We to the server update for a few weeks, but the upgrade involves many aspects, than we imagined complex, therefore if you have discovered what BUG, welcome the positive feedback.

RuneTek2 screenshots

In the past few months, we have already written or rewrite 50,000 line around the game engine code, in order to improve some key problems of the future, let us to introduce more new upgrade content.

The game engine that we can also upgrade the loader program using the same Applet into two different versions of SD and HD. At the same time, we also updated website homepage - now only one page "click here to enter the game" button. If the member in free game with the game, then can switch between the boot menu choices of "the World the Select game World () function.

Login screen will appear depending on your last login is free game world or members of the game world.

Other related news:
The new engine is one of the new function is "inductive the mouse pointer. If you are in "game" menu options open this function, so your mouse pointer pointing at any place or objects, when the NPC will become corresponding icon. Example: refers to the "open", when the mouse pointer will gradually become an open door icon. But not all objects have corresponding icon, but we hope in the future can add more icon.
The "special interface battle against" will now display on your left the percentage of energy special attacks.

We have to choose the game world "page. First, you will find that we have removed part information page looks more concise, let. "Momentary Chat Chat (" and" PvP "the two also moved to the more common" activities/places (or) "a safe/in the bar. If choose the game world no theme, the bar now will only display banner and countries, and we also for the latter provided a RuneScape flags. On the right hand side, you will see a "Ping" column, the display is between you and the server response time -- response time more short more good, so this item can also help you find you around the world without lag. Note that if you choose contain some before we have removed the option of some parameters, then you might change. Just to make a choice, information will be kept to the next.
"Fly army" as the theme of the world are divided into two kinds: 1, 4, a group of games, 2 a group of people, 20 games. You can visit the world "page" theme, check each subject in the world for the number of players of the game.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

runescape Troll Stronghold

Gnome fortress
Start with the Burthorpe in place: Denulth dialogueSkills: at least 15 to 30 Agility and grade level, and has the ability of Thieving beat a 113 level gnome. At the same time, you must have completed tasks of Plateau.You need a pair of goods need: Climbing Boots] [Climbing shoes,
In the first and Burthorpe village Denulth dialogue and asked him about the war with the gnomes. The outcome of the war and is not very good, Godric's son was gnome Dunstan troops captured ~ ~ ~
. You want to help him, and told him that you would help him to son back. Anyway, you help him into the Imperial guards [Imperial Guard].
Before you go in the fortress, you'll need a pair of Climbing Boots] [Climbing shoes. If you don't follow Denulth house north west direction, then when the road towards the end of north-south direction again
Walk into the house Tenzing. He bought a pair of 12gp use to climb Climbing Boots shoes []]. At the same time, you will need to take some food, and if you can totally p.def [Protect surveys
It also Melee] take some Potions] [Prayer Potions regular Sunday worship services.
Into the arena
Once you have all the required, Tenzing across the fence and then go toward the north by the road until you have some rocks. To climb over the rocks [1]] and Agility xp eastward across 2 ~ ~ go
Rocks, and you will see the Entrance to the Arena Entrance] [Arena. Open the door, a Dad gnome [to] will say the road is 101, this tree is open, I have planted, I want themMaiLuQian, leaving just [in], simply say is only you can beat him past ~ ~ ~ ~
Dad can hit 25 points, if you are strong, it would have a free Lumbridge travel. If you can use to Protect completely p.def [under]], then kill him Melee would
A lot easier when his blood, after he was lighting will put you ~ ~ ~ ~ now can you through the door of northeast side columns, put some attention to 69 and 71 in the mountainous gnomes
Trolls] [Mountain.In the end, run into the cave to another to leave the cave. Now go that way until you meet with the stone, now get completely archery defense to Protect [under] through the access-list
Roll, through some Mountain dwarf gnomes Trolls] to [Mountain slopes, and north are entering the Stronghold] [fortress.
Once entered the fortress, toward the south, and gnomes General door and then Troll [to] [113] before kumite ~ ~ ~ gnome General Troll [before] can easily hit 33, so strong
With PPC completely p.def [Protect Melee] or/and good food. If you kill him, he picked up the jail. The Key [], then meet again facing south walk out, come downstairs
Ladder. Now go toward the north, and then open the Prison are held] [meet. Then go to jail at [the've].
Walking will see southwest toward several prison guards and two sleeping room theft [], [guards Pickpocket Twig] get Godric open room key, then theft [Pickpocket Berry]
To get away Eadgar room key, now go find Dunstan to finish tasks ~ ~ ~
A Talisman, used with my my with Runes.