Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Personal Item Duplicator Scam

This Runescape scam is a little cruder and essentially involves someone convincing you that they have found out a way to duplicate Runescape items, and that you can do it as well. Then they will something to the effect of, “all you have to do is place the Runescape item on the floor and then wait 5 seconds and then stand on the item and then simultaneously press ALT + F4, at which point your internet window will close and you will be logged out of Runescape and considering it will take you quite awhile to load a new window and load Runescape again by which time the items you dropped will have spawned so that everyone can see them and which point the person who convinced you that you could duplicate your Runescape items has picked the items your left on ground up and run away.

These are a few of the more popular Runescape Scams out there and as I mentioned earlier in this articles more and more people are searching to find out how to scam people on Runescape and the old saying that there is a sucker born every minute is relevant in Runescape as it is in real life.

So be aware of things that are too good to be true and remember that there are no such things are Runescape item duplicators so don’t fall for the Runescape scams that involved people claiming that they can duplicate your Runescape items.

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