Thursday, March 25, 2010

Free Runescape Items Beggars

If there is one thing you should expect once you do start to wear some of the more expensive Runescape items it is that you should prepare for the onslaught of free Runescape item beggars that will begin to approach you asking for free Runescape items.

It seems that because Runescape in itself is a free game that it draws somewhat of the cheapskate sort of attitude out of many people to the point where they are constantly harassing those that have spent many hours working hard to get their Runescape items for them to give them free Runescape items just because they believe they can afford it. Of course I’m not suggesting that just because there are people that will beg for free Runescape items that it is not worth your time to try and get such wearable rare items, more just suggesting that you should be aware of the fact that when wearing certain items it can draw undue attention.

Well best of luck on your road to collecting your Runescape items. Make sure you also have fun along the way.

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